welcome to
North Power
General Trading, Electric Supplies & Services,
Fire Alarm system & Commercial Agencies /Ltd
Our Services

Extensive Experience
We treat your project with utmost concern. This implies engineering, sales and installation, when required. Because of our extensive experience and dedication to quality, we are able to continue to provide you with advice throughout your entire project.

Support & Service
We would like to prepare an individual maintenance and service concept with you. Such an agreement will provide more operational reliability and is profit wise more beneficial than resolving frequently occurring faults over again.

Consulting Engineering
Electrical Design, General and Site Supervision of Building Services for Residential, Commercial, Retail, Health Care, Educational, Hospitality, Data Centres and Industrial facilities.
Solutions for transport and distribution of electrical energy
Fire Alarm system & Commercial Agencies /Ltd

Our Works

University of Sulaimani - Iraq

Smart Health Tower

Qaiwan City Project

City Center Mall

Erbil Bank

Bazyan Main Road Project
Solutions for transport and distribution of electrical energy
Fire Alarm system & Commercial Agencies /Ltd

About us
North Power Company for General Trading, Electric Supplies & Services , Fire Alarm system & Commercial Agencies /Ltd
We has been Providing Support and Services to all major industries, contractors and traders in the region.
We participated in importing supplying electrical equipment’s and installing for many projects in Kurdistan Region ∕ Iraq then North Power Company established and registered to add more specialization to our works through our experience in Fire Alarm System , Lighting Solution & Busbar Trucking System in the previous years.

By rigorously testing products and services and fearlessly investigating where markets have failed, we equip consumers to make smarter choices that improve their lives and strengthen society. By amplifying consumer voices and building powerful coalitions, we turn public sentiment into action, enforce accountability, and compel business and government leaders to safeguard consumers and uphold their rights.
We believe that a market place that serves the good of consumers fuels market competitiveness, improves quality of life, lifts up communities, strengthens citizen engagement, and fortifies our democracy.